340.1115A/2403: Telegram
The Chargé in Switzerland (Huddle) to the Secretary of State
Bern, January 23, 1942.
[Received January 23—3:49 p.m.]
[Received January 23—3:49 p.m.]
241. American Interests—Transmission private funds.
- (1)
- Swiss Foreign Office now prepared accept requests for transmission private funds to Americans in areas where Swiss represent our interests. Legation suggests following procedure therefor.
- (2)
- For reasons of speed, certainty and simplicity of transmission all remittances to be made by telegram for Department and from Bern sender to pay telegraph from Department and from Bern, sender to [Page 253] pay telegraph charges when billed by Department without Legation having to make any deduction therefor from amount indicated for payment and minimum amount acceptable for remittance being say 50 dollars. Remittances must be for single payments as Swiss representatives cannot undertake open drawing account for payees nor can they accept remittances with restriction as to use by payees.
- (3)
- Department’s telegrams to Legation Bern ordering payments to read as follows (number in regular series of telegrams to Bern) (day of month) (name and address including name of country of payee) (amount of dollars to be paid written in words and in figures) (name of sender).
- (4)
- Upon receipt of Department’s telegram requesting a payment Legation will pass request to Swiss Foreign Office to telegraph authorization for payment to appropriate Swiss representative. Authorization must necessarily state amount in Swiss francs and as remittances, as well as telegraph charges incurred by Swiss authorities in forwarding them, must be paid to Swiss Foreign Office by Legation from credit in Swiss francs with Swiss National Bank which Department has opened in favor of Legation for payment expenses incurred by Swiss in representation American interests, Department respectfully requested telegraph rate at which conversions should be made for remittances private funds and also advise in future should rate change when additional credits opened.
- (5)
- Payments will be made against payees receipt in triplicate, Legation retaining one copy and forwarding remaining to Department with accounts when received from Swiss representatives through Foreign Office.
- (6)
- Legation will notify Department as promptly as possible of telegraphic charges in dollars incurred by Swiss for forwarding each remittance. However such notification may be delayed and Department may therefore consider it advisable require all senders of remittances to deposit with it a fixed amount to guarantee Swiss telegraphic costs (please note for example ordinary 25 word message Bern–Copenhagen costs at present approximately dollar and half, Bern–Tokio, 24 dollars).