
The Assistant Secretary of State (Berle) to the Counselor of the British Embassy (Opie)

Dear Mr. Opie: Let me acknowledge your letter of August 28, 1942, enclosing a paper prepared by Lord Keynes embodying a result of the discussions in London on post-war international financial problems. I note that this paper crystallizes the informal discussions previously had by Sir Frederick Phillips with Mr. Acheson and Dr. Pasvolsky.

I agree entirely that this document should not be shown at this time to anyone outside the United States Government Departments and that the points raised by it can best be dealt with orally at this stage.

The Treasury and ourselves will shortly be in a position to discuss these points informally and I shall hope to have the pleasure of meeting you then. The Treasury and the State Department are working in close cooperation in this matter.

Very truly yours,

Adolf A. Berle, Jr.