Concern of the United States over the position of Ireland in the war against the Axis Powers

[666] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

811.248/790: Telegram

[667] The Minister in Ireland (Gray) to the Secretary of State

811.248/798: Telegram

[668] The Minister in Ireland (Gray) to the Secretary of State

811.248/801: Telegram

[669] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ireland (Gray)

811.248/803a: Telegram

[670] The Minister in Ireland (Gray) to the Secretary of State

841.248/1254: Telegram

[671] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ireland (Gray)

811.248/801: Telegram

[672] The Minister in Ireland (Gray) to the Secretary of State

811.248/805: Telegram