837.51 Cooperation Program/76
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Messersmith)
Sir: Reference is made to your air mail despatch no. 2027 of May 15, 1941, containing your recommendations with reference to claims, other than the Morris claim, of American nationals against the Cuban Government.
The Department was gratified to confirm on the occasion of your recent visit to the United States that you shared its view of the unsatisfactory nature of statements in item 8 of the Cuban memorandum of April 15, 1941, relating to claims. The Department agrees with you that settlement of outstanding claims other than the Morris claim need not stand in the way of action on other parts of the program of cooperation. However, you should make it of record with the Cuban Government that the Department is not able to reconcile with the facts in its possession the statement in item 8 that the Cuban Government has “no information with regard to any appreciable or important claim made upon the Government of Cuba by any American citizen, that has not been settled, with the exception of the Morris claim”.
As an example of a claim which appears to deserve consideration without delay, mention is made of the case of the H. C. Nutting Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, which holds certificates of indebtedness of the Cuban Government. A study of this case is being conducted preparatory to determining what action on the part of the Department may now be indicated.
Very truly yours,