740.0011 Pacific War/1409
The Chilean Ambassador (Michels) to the Secretary of State
Excellency: I have the honor to make known to your Excellency that my Government has issued a Decree dated yesterday by which it declares that, for the effects of the application of the laws and principles governing neutrality, there shall not be considered belligerents the Government of the United States of America and the Governments of the other American republics which may declare or have declared themselves in a state of war with Japan.
The text of this Decree, signed by His Excellency the Vice President of the Republic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs follows:
That the Governments of the United States and Japan are in the state of war;
That the Government of Chile has been notified of this fact by the aforesaid powers; That the conflict originated in acts of unjustified aggression on the part of a non-American power against one of the nations of this hmisphere
That Resolution XV of Habana, signed by our Government disposes “that every attack by a non-American state against the integrity or the inviolability of the territory, against the sovereignty or political independence of an American state, shall be considered as an act of aggression against the states which signed this declaration”;
That, in accordance with the terms of this Resolution, it lies with the Government of Chile to define its attitude with respect to the principles governing neutrality;
That the agreements signed at the Inter-American Conferences have consolidated among the governments of the continent the historical unity existing among them and which directs them to present a united front to any threat or attack whatever coming from abroad;
That solidarity toward each country of our continent which may be attacked by an extra-continental power is the fundamental and unalterable principle of the international policy of Chile,
The Government of Chile will not consider belligerent, for the effects of the application of the laws and principles governing neutrality, [Page 77] the Government of the United States of America and the governments of the other American nations which may have declared or which may declare a state of war because of this conflict.
Accept [etc.]