810.20 Defense/1314: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)

768. Your telegram 1110 of August 19.32 The Navy Department is becoming increasingly insistent as to the vital necessity of obtaining the patrol plane facilities requested in the Department’s telegram 551 of July 17.32 It cites such factors as the protection afforded Hemisphere north-south shipping, the surface vessel needs for its gigantic patrolling task (North and South Atlantic, Caribbean, far-flung areas [Page 512] in the Pacific, etc.)—not to speak of fleet operations—the relatively greater efficiency in certain patrol tasks of planes over vessels, the effect of relieving surface vessel shortages by use of planes when feasible; and mentions the President’s personal interest and concern.

The Department, recalling President Vargas’ anxiety at the “concentration” of naval units in the Pacific at the expense of the Atlantic (paragraph 2 of your telegram 425 of May 7, 7 p.m.35) and the repeated assurances by the President and other high Brazilian officials of defense cooperation, is likewise anxious that you endeavor to work out satisfactory arrangements.

In view of the above please furnish your considered views as to the probable reaction of the Brazilian Government to a formal proposal along these lines.36

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.
  4. In telegrams No. 1245, September 9, and No. 1247, September 10, Ambassador Caffery recommended against such a proposal to the Brazilian Government on the grounds of failure of the United States to fulfil its commitments as to supplying planes to Brazil. (810.20 Defense/1468, 1472)