
The Postmaster General (Walker) to the Secretary of State

Mr. Matsuoka is being asked to resign. Prince Konoye must refer this matter to the Emperor and therefore must visit him personally (at the moment he is ill from a minor operation).
The Army and Navy authorities cabled here last night that their position regarding the “Understanding” was completely unchanged. [Page 173] Baron Hiranuma cabled likewise. Therefore, the Japanese here are thoroughly confident that the understanding will be approved.
An open cable sent today to Prince Konoye from the Wardman Park Hotel advised that “Matsuoka should cooperate with the rest of the Government and cease acting out of vanity.”
On April 28 and on April 29 the authorities here telephoned Matsuoka to act quickly but he pleaded that he was ill and at the same time indicated (without mentioning the name) that he still expected Roy Howard to arrange for his trip to the United States. (It is said here that Mr. Early20 is encouraging Mr. Howard.)
The Japanese newspapers will criticize the “peace terms” as published in yesterday’s Japan Times by Mr. Goh. I have suggested that Admiral Nomura communicate to our State Department his repudiation of such terms.

P. S. Matsuoka is really very vain and perhaps it is better that he should be replaced by Arita21 or Nomura who are now being mentioned for his post.

At Geneva, in 1932 [1933?] Matsuoka lost his temper and walked out of the League of Nations without authorization from his Home Government.22

  1. Stephen Early, Secretary to President Roosevelt.
  2. Hachiro Arita, former Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  3. At meeting of special assembly February 24, 1933; see telegram No. 58, February 24, 1933, 5 p.m., from the Consul at Geneva, Foreign Relations, 1933, vol. iii, p. 205.