I feel it highly desirable that before any draft is formally received
from or formally given to the Japanese Embassy, we should give the
[Page 149]
British Government an
indication of what is going on and of our general thought in regard to
the matter.
Any giving to the Japanese of an indication of a willingness on our part
to assist toward a termination of the hostilities in China will be a
step on our part the potential effects of which will be of legitimate
and substantial concern to the British. (Also, it will be to the
Chinese—who, just as are the British, fighting in
resistance to the concept of which Nazi Germany is the chief exponent of
a new “world order”.)
[Here follows text of earlier draft, dated April 11, printed on page 143, except that under section II
the following paragraph is inserted and the beginning of section III
is revised as follows:]
The Government of Japan further declares that it is under no
commitment under its Axis Alliance or otherwise which is
inconsistent with the terms of the present agreement with the
Government of the United States.
III. China affairs.
When this agreement is concluded and both Governments have given it
their approval and commitment, the President of the United States
will suggest to the Government of Japan and the Government of China
that those Governments enter into a negotiation for a termination of
hostilities and resumption of peaceful relations on a basis as
[Here follows text of points a to e, inclusive, of the April 11 draft; a new
point f is inserted, changing the earlier
point f to point g:]
f. The question of the future of Manchuria to
be dealt with by negotiations, without duress, to which China, Japan
and “Manchukuo” shall be parties.
[Here follows text of the April 11 draft to point b of section IV; a new paragraph is inserted changing the
earlier one from b to c:]
b. The two Governments will give
consideration to an exchange of courtesy visits of naval squadrons
to take place after the conclusion of the proposed conference for
the purpose of signaling a new era of peace in the Pacific.
[Here follows text of the April 11 draft of section V, except that a
new paragraph is inserted after the first one:]
The two Governments undertake to take such steps as may be necessary
to effect a resumption of normal trade relations, subject
[Page 150]
to the conditions
aforementioned, as existed under the Treaty of Commerce and
Navigation between the United States and Japan which expired on
January 26, 1940. The two Governments would be prepared to enter
into negotiations looking to the conclusion of a new commercial
treaty to meet new conditions.
[Here follows text of the April 11 draft through section VII, with
the following section inserted:]
VIII. Upon the conclusion of a peace settlement between Japan and
China, the Governments of the United States and Japan undertake to
enter into negotiations with the Chinese Government looking to the
relinquishment by the American and Japanese Governments of
extraterritorial and other special rights in China. The two
Governments further undertake to use their influence with the
Governments of the other nations concerned with a view to those
nations’ taking similar action.
[Here follows text of the April 11 draft on “Conference.”]