740.0011 European War 1939/12378: Telegram
The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 23—6:40 p.m.]
869. 1. A colleague who enjoys intimate personal relations with a former Japanese Prime Minister this morning had an hour’s talk with this elder statesman and pointed out to him that Mr. Matsuoka’s policies had brought about the following situations: (a) Japan’s hands are tied vis-à-vis Germany owing to the Tripartite Pact; (b) Japan’s hands are tied vis-à-vis Soviet Russia owing to the neutrality pact; (c) negotiations with the Netherlands East Indies have failed to produce the desired results; (d) the China conflict is no nearer a settlement; (e) Japan’s relations with the United States have steadily and materially worsened.
2. The Japanese statesman said that he entirely agreed and that in the course of a conference with the Government to which he expects shortly to be summoned he will charge the Foreign Minister with responsibility for this deplorable situation and may point out that when Germany signed the non-aggression pact with Soviet Russia subsequent to the conclusion of the Anti-Comintern Pact, the then Foreign Minister, Mr. Arita, had accepted responsibility and had resigned.
[Page 981]3. While insufficient time has yet elapsed since Germany’s declaration of war against Soviet Russia to appraise the repercussions and eventual effect in Japan, my colleague received the impression that his friend considers the fall of the Cabinet not impossible.
Sent to the Department, repeated to Moscow. Code text via air mail to Shanghai. Shanghai please repeat to Chungking.