840.51 Frozen Credits/3649

The Japanese Ambassador (Nomura) to the Secretary of State

No. 280

The Japanese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Honorable the Secretary of State and has the honor to refer to the agreement entered into at Tokyo on September 15, 1941, between the Imperial Foreign Office and the United States’ Ambassador54 to the effect of exempting from the application of the “freezing” orders, on a basis of reciprocity, the diplomatic and consular officers, as well as other official agents, of both countries within the territories under the authority of each of them.

In conformity with the stipulations of the said agreement, lists of those coming under the said exemption are herewith submitted.55 The Ambassador will appreciate it if the Secretary will be so good as to cause to be removed the existing hindrances in the way of the transfer of funds from the Imperial Government to the said agents and the free disposal of the funds by the persons concerned.

  1. This agreement was made pursuant to telegram No. 565, September 5, 11 p.m., to the Ambassador in Japan, p. 870, and was reported in detail in telegram No. 1465, September 16, 5 p.m., from the Ambassador in Japan, not printed (840.51 Frozen Credits/3563).
  2. None printed.