[Enclosure 1]
Paraphrase Copy Secret Radiogram, War
Department to Commanding General, United States Army Forces in
Far East, September 30, 1941
Air defense of Philippines–Australia–Dutch East Indies-Singapore
Area, would be strengthened if airfields with necessary detachments
and supplies, are established and made available to the United
States at Singapore, Port Darwin, Rabaul, and Port Moresby and
advanced air depot facilities at Rockhampton.
In order to provide these facilities as early as possible, you are
requested to contact, at once, appropriate British authorities in
the Far East and secure permission for the establishment of advanced
air depot at Rockhampton; the use of airfields at Singapore, Port
Darwin, Rabaul and Port Moresby for our heavy bombardment and
reconnaissance aviation; and the emergency use of other airfields in
British possessions. Also contact local Dutch authorities to secure
permission for use of their airfields in an emergency.
United States force will be limited to service detachments. Request
British and Dutch provide local defenses. The War Department will
[Page 498]
at once request London
authorities to authorize their local officials to enter into
necessary agreement.
When permission is obtained, it is desired that you provide
immediately two missions of 500-pound bombs and ammunition at
Singapore and Port Darwin, and a similar amount at Rabaul or Port
Moresby, or divided between the two, for one heavy bombardment group
of 35 airplanes. Supplies will be shipped from Philippine stocks.
Bombs and ammunition for two missions at these airfields for an
additional heavy bombardment group and replacements for bombs
shipped from the Philippines will leave the United States about
December 1.
If practicable, please arrange for supply of 100 octane gas and
appropriate quantities of oil as follows:
Singapore and Port Darwin |
300,000 gallons |
200,000 gallons |
Rockhampton |
200,000 gallons |
Advise if local arrangements not possible. Shipment will then be made
from the United States. Advise by radio, if necessary shipping can
be secured locally and if use of any U. S. Army transports is
Air depot detachment for Rockhampton will be organized in the United
States and sent first transportation available. Funds will be
allotted by War Department on request.
One airfield between Singapore and Manila is essential for operation
of B–17 type bomber. Request you urge British to develop one
airfield in North Borneo at earliest possible date.
Additional bombers for Philippines are leaving San Francisco October
3. 19th Bombardment group sails same port October 4. Airplanes move
by air about October 20. An additional heavy bombardment group (35
B–17) will be dispatched about January 1, and a dive bombardment
group (52 A–24) and two pursuit squadrons (50 P–40) during November
and December. Transfer of 35 B–24 bombers as reserve will be made
January 1942.
It is planned to increase Philippine air units as rapidly as
airplanes and units become available. This will provide 136
operating heavy bombers and 34 additional in reserve; 57 operating
dive bombers and 29 additional in reserve; 130 operating pursuit
planes with an additional 65 in reserve.
Under consideration is one additional pursuit group, Second Aviation
Objective strength. Augmentation to commence about April 1942 and to
be completed October 1942.
[Enclosure 2]
Paraphrase of Secret Cablegram Sent to Special
Army Observer, London—September 30, 1941
It is considered that the Air Defense of the
Philippines–Australia–Dutch Indies–Singapore Area would be
materially strengthened if operating fields with necessary supplies
and equipment including bombs, ammunition, gasoline and oil, and
service detachments at Singapore, Port Darwin, Rabaul and Port
Moresby, and advanced air depot facilities at Rockhampton were
available to the United States. To provide such facilities at
earliest possible moment, you are requested to contact appropriate
British authorities in Far East at once and secure permission for
use of these facilities and for emergency use of other airfields in
British Possessions for operations by our heavy bombardment and
reconnaissance aviation. Also contact local Dutch authorities and
secure permission for emergency use of their airfields. United
States Forces will be limited to necessary service detachments as
determined by you. British and Dutch should be requested to provide
necessary local defenses. One field between Singapore and Manila
suitable for operations of B Seventeen type bombers is essential to
our probable operations. Request you urge the British to develop at
least one airfield in North Borneo to necessary extent at earliest
possible date.
Desire that you request British authorities in London to authorize
their local authorities in Far East to enter into necessary
agreements with MacArthur and to cooperate with him in the execution
of the above directive.
Expedite report of result of your action.