
Memorandum by Mr. George W. Renchard, of the Secretary’s Office, to the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Hamilton)

Mr. Hamilton: The Secretary wishes you to consider the significance of the oral statement communicated through Mr. Walker to [Page 291] the effect that Japan would agree to get her troops out of China within two years. The oral statement may not mean anything, but on the other hand, it may be run down for the purposes of a showdown.

“When I talked with Hamilton, I suggested that he get in touch with Japanese representatives there (Washington) and inquire specifically how their Government expected to go forward with a peace settlement for the Pacific area while moving in exactly the opposite direction—the truth of the Associated Press despatch from Shanghai, reported in today’s paper, should either be admitted or repudiated. In this same connection, Hamilton could thoroughly explore the oral statement of the Ambassador in regard to getting the Japanese Army out of China within two years. I hope that Hamilton will exhibit his usual firmness and also cordiality in his conversation.”65

George W. Renchard
  1. See Mr. Hamilton’s memorandum of July 5, 1941, Foreign Relations, Japan, 1931–1941, Vol. ii, p. 499.