740.00112 European War 1939/3641

The Delegate General of the French Government in North Africa ( Weygand ) to the Counselor of Embassy in France ( Murphy ), Temporarily at Algiers 42

No. 50/S.G.P./P.I.

Mr. Counselor: Following on the conversations which have taken place regarding the rules governing the American control relating to [Page 317] the non-reexportation of the products imported from the United States in North Africa, I have the honor to inform you of the decisions taken by the French Government.

The American control agents will be authorized:

To enter the ports for the purpose of verifying the movements of merchandise. Authority to visit the port will be granted on application of the control officers to the Commander of the port which it is desired to visit. The verification will be made of the goods on the dock or at the point where they are being loaded.
To go on board a ship, exceptionally, which is about to depart in a case where there is a contest regarding the origin of the goods, or regarding a question concerning whether merchandise destined for Metropolitan France may be considered as a product similar to the products received from the United States. In that case the maritime authority involved should submit the question to the French Admiralty at Vichy.
To board all ships engaged in the traffic between North Africa and the United States, whether at the arrival or departure of the ships in African ports. In the case of these ships the American control officers will be authorized locally on their application to board such ships.

I hope that the facilities thus accorded will give you satisfaction in connection with the control work with which you are charged.

Please accept [etc.]

  1. Transmitted to the Department as an enclosure to Mr. Murphy’s despatch from Algiers, dated October 1; received October 13.