740.00119 European War 1939/651

The French Embassy to the Department of State 38a


The Chief of the French State has received the message which President Roosevelt sent to him through the Chargé d’Affaires of the United States.

Moved by the desire to preserve the friendship which since the founding of the United States has bound the French people to the American people, he will refrain from calling attention to what in the said communication might cause him to doubt the equitable dispositions of the American Government.

To reply to the preoccupations of President Roosevelt, he wishes to state that the French Government has always retained its independence of action and can only wonder at an opinion which is as inexact as it is unfair. The French Government has declared that the French fleet would never be given up and there is nothing which today can warrant questioning this solemn promise. President Roosevelt speaks of operations directed against the British fleet; he forgets doubtless that operations at sea have indeed occurred, but they were, and in the most unexpected manner, begun by the British fleet.

Moreover, England has taken a position against France and against her Government to which the French people cannot consent. His Majesty’s Government is in fact lending its cooperation to Frenchmen in rebellion against their mother country and whose action, thanks to the support of the British fleet and air force, is a blow against the unity of her empire.

France—and her Government can give assurance thereof—will not take part in any unjustifiable attack; but, conscious of her duty, she will know how to enforce respect, with honor, for her essential interests.

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The French Government remains very much attached to the maintenance of the traditional friendship which unites our two countries and will strive under all circumstances, to avoid misunderstandings or interpretations such as those which doubtless led President Roosevelt to address this message to us.

  1. Handed to the Secretary of State by the French Ambassador on November 4.