811.111 W.R./108a: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Diplomatic and Consular Officers

Nonimmigrant visas issued prior to June 6, 1940 must be revalidated by an American consular officer unless the holders are on the high seas en route to the United States. Transportation lines should be informed. The validation shall consist of a gratis endorsement on the visa with the notation of validating office and date. Record on form 257 should be retained in the office and copies sent to Department. In revalidating such visas a most careful examination will be given to ascertain that the alien’s entry would not be contrary to the public safety and to ascertain that the entry involves a reasonable need or legitimate purpose.

All applications for immigration visas must be examined with extreme care and during the present period of emergency no such visa should be issued if there is any doubt whatsoever concerning the alien. Although a drastic reduction in the number of quota and nonquota [Page 232] immigration visas issued will result therefrom and quotas against which there is a heavy demand will be underissued, it is essential to take every precaution at this time to safeguard the best interests of the United States.
