840.48 Refugees/2175
The Assistant Secretary of State (Long) to Brig. Gen. Edwin M. Watson, Secretary to President Roosevelt
Dear General: I have read the correspondence attached to your memorandum of June 20, 194066 relative to the desire of Mr. James N. Rosenberg to expand the activities of the Dominican Republic Settlement Association to include refugees from England and France.
The plans for the Dominican Republic Settlement Association for the evacuation of refugees from England to the Dominican Republic have the full approval of the British and Dominican Governments and form a constituent part of the extensive plans now in progress for the evacuation of refugees from England. Although France was specifically mentioned in Mr. Rosenberg’s letter, it may not be possible at the present time effectively to evacuate persons from that country. All means of egress from France are closed for the moment but it is to be hoped that the time will come when at least some persons may be evacuated.
I am enclosing a draft of a suggested reply which the President may wish to send to Mr. Rosenberg.66 The correspondence which you sent to me is returned herewith.
Sincerely yours,