340.1115A/1437: Telegram

The Chargé in Germany (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

3835. Following is a paraphrase of a telegram received from Antwerp for transmission to the Department:

“240, August 27. Around 150 American citizens accompanied by approximately 25 alien wives and children wish depart immediately from Belgium for the United States. Since mid-July I have been trying to prevail on the German authorities to give permits for these persons to travel either individually in groups by train or by automobile through occupied France to Spain and Lisbon. I have impressed on the German authorities that while these Americans have [Page 164] been forced against their will to remain in Belgium new decrees have been promulgated which order the surrender of foreign currency. I have been insistent that these Americans be allowed to remain [depart?] and carry with them all of their foreign currency. My efforts have been without avail and the German authorities in Belgium now inform me that they have no authority to allow American citizens to leave Belgium. It appears essential, therefore, that this request be presented in Berlin and my recommendation is that the Department make vigorous insistence upon the right of Americans in Belgium to be repatriated and to take with them their holdings of foreign currency. Sussdorff.”59

I have taken up with the Foreign Office the question of exit and exchange permits for American citizens in Belgium reported in the foregoing telegram from Antwerp and the matter is also being brought to the attention of the appropriate German authorities by the German travel agency, the Mittel Europaeische Reise Büro, which in conjunction with the Consulate at Antwerp has prepared tentative travel schedules.

  1. Louis J. Sussdorff, Consul General at Antwerp.