740.0011 European War 1939/35524/14: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Bullitt) to the Secretary of State

1064. Personal for the President and the Secretary. I have just discussed with Reynaud the statements of the British Ambassador reported in my No. 1057 of June 6, 5 p.m. Reynaud said that it was a flat lie to say that Weygand had ever made any statement indicating great pessimism as to the outcome of the battle now in progress.

The truth about the battle to date was that in spite of the withdrawal of the British pursuit planes the French were holding magnificently everywhere along the line and had not given ground anywhere.

The truth, also, was that the single British division in France supported by the only British armored force had run from the Somme back to the Bresle. The single breach in the French line was therefore at the only spot held by the British.

Under the circumstances he felt that it was utterly shocking for the British to refuse to send their pursuit planes.
