611.6731/542: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Turkey (MacMurray)

22. Your 27, April 1, 4 p.m.28

In order that the Department may be currently informed regarding (1) the trend of Turkey’s foreign trade in so far as it affects the exchange provisions of the trade agreement and (2) the exchange allotments for imports of American origin under the terms of the agreement, you should if possible arrange with the Turkish authorities to obtain monthly reports showing (1) the total value of commercial imports into Turkey together with the deductions therefrom provided in the note relating to Article 9; (2) the total value of commercial imports of American origin; and (3) the exchange allotments for imports of American origin.
In view of the specific language of the text of Article 9 of the trade agreement, it would appear that the exchange provisions will apply to the full calendar year 1939 rather than to the period May 5 [Page 868] to December 31. Please telegraph your comments on this point. If the Turks should raise this question, however, you should refrain from taking a position until you have reported their views to the Department and received further instructions.
  1. Ante, p. 865.