Political developments in Japan1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1938, vol. iv, pp. 584–611.
[525] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State
Tokyo, January 4,
[Received January 4—5:10 a.m.]
[Received January 4—5:10 a.m.]
894.00/828: Telegram
[526] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State
Tokyo, January 4, 1939—5
[Received January 4—5:54 a.m.]
[Received January 4—5:54 a.m.]
894.00/830: Telegram
[527] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State
Tokyo, January 5, 1939—10
[Received January 5—1:10 p.m.]
[Received January 5—1:10 p.m.]
894.00/832: Telegram
[528] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State
Tokyo, January 6, 1939—6
[Received January 6—1:25 p.m.]
[Received January 6—1:25 p.m.]
894.00/833: Telegram
[529] The Chargé in Japan (Dooman) to the Secretary of State
Tokyo, August 28, 1939—10
[Received August 28—12:58 p.m.]
[Received August 28—12:58 p.m.]
894.00/865: Telegram
[530] The Chargé in Japan (Dooman) to the Secretary of State
Tokyo, August 29, 1939—3
[Received August 29—6:50 a.m.]
[Received August 29—6:50 a.m.]
894.00/866: Telegram
[531] The Chargé in Japan (Dooman) to the Secretary of State
Tokyo, September 12, 1939.
[Received October 3.]
[Received October 3.]
[532] The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State
Tokyo, December 28, 1939—7
[Received December 28—11:37 a.m.]
[Received December 28—11:37 a.m.]
894.00/884: Telegram