
The Italian Ambassador (Colonna) to the Secretary of State

The Italian Ambassador presents his compliments to the Honorable Secretary of State and, under instructions of his Government, has the honor to bring to the knowledge of the State Department that the Italian Ambassador in Paris has addressed to the French Foreign Minister a note of which copy will be found herewith.

No. 6252


The Italian Ambassador in France (Guariglia) to the French Foreign Minister (Bonnet)

Note Verbale

Under instructions of my Government, I have the honor to make to Tour Excellency the following statement:

“The Italian Government has learned through the press of the agreement signed on June 23, 1939 between the French and Turkish (Governments concerning the cession to Turkey of the Sanjak of Alexandretta.

Italy, being one of the Powers that granted the mandate (re: decision reached at San Remo, April 25, 1920,22 by the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers), has the honor to make the fullest reservations regarding the contents of said agreement, negotiated and signed without her knowledge and consent and which appears to be in evident contrast with the aims of the mandate and with the desires of the interested populations.

[Page 847]

Since the press has published also some declarations both verbal and written, made on that occasion by the French Government and the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Italian Government makes similar reservations in regard to said declarations”.

  1. For an account of the decisions reached at San Remo, see Foreign Relations, The Paris Peace Conference, 1919, vol. xiii, p. 94.