867N.01/1614: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Everett) to the Secretary of State

181. Department’s telegram No. 77, June 20, 11 a.m. The meetings of the Mandates Commission are strictly private and exceedingly so during the present session. I learn however from one of the members of the Commission that the following is at present the status of the discussions on the proposed future British policy in Palestine.

The members of the Commission individually are divided in their reactions both as to the juridical and as to the political aspects of the question. From a juridical standpoint the question before the Commission is whether the proposed policy is in accordance with the terms of the mandate. The discussions thus far reveal that probably a majority of the Commission are of the opinion that this policy is not entirely in harmony with those terms. Considerations relating to world political conditions may influence the formulation of the official opinion of the Commission to be embodied in their formal observations which will be submitted in their report to the Council. I [Page 778] understand that attempts are being made to influence the members of the Commission to abstain from observations or criticisms which would embarrass the British Government and complicate the already troubled political situation. The Commission’s official observations will not be formulated until the close of the discussions. As regards the political aspects of the problem the Commission will probably consider that it does not lie within its competence to express a definite opinion.

Will follow up.
