867N.55/185: Telegram

The Consul General at Jerusalem (Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State

Immigration schedule (which is now officially designated as quota in keeping with new British policy) was promulgated yesterday to [Page 777] cover 6 months April 1st to September 30th. A total of 10,950 certificates are made available for issuance during this period of which 10,350 are for Jews.

Of the latter total 5,000 represent one-half of the annual quota of 10,000 and the remainder refugees to be admitted in accordance with the new policy. From this total, however, there are deducted 1200 certificates issued in April (see my telegram of April 15, noon and 1300 illegal immigrants apprehended from April 1st to May 24th date of drafting order. The balance of 7850 is the number of additional certificates which may now be issued to Jews prior to October 1 and is allocated as follows: 3,645 to ordinary quota and 4,205 to refugee quota.
