
Memorandum by President Roosevelt to the Secretary of State and the Under Secretary of State (Welles)

I still believe that any announcement about Palestine at this time by the British Government is a mistake, and I think we should tell them that.

What can I say to Justice Brandeis?

F[ranklin] D. R[oosevelt]
[Page 749]

Mr. Louis D. Brandeis to President Roosevelt

Dear Mr. President: Herewith I enclose Dr. Weizmann’s cable to you of the 8th.


Louis Brandeis

The President of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (Weizmann) to Mr. Louis D. Brandeis

Would request Brandeis transmit following message from myself to President “Understand British Government will next Monday publish statement policy embodying liquidation policy Jewish national home inaugurated by Balfour Declaration issued by British Government during late war with active support of President Wilson. Jews of Palestine hold this breach of international trust deprives Government every basis legality and reduces it to purely coercive agency which type bound resist with every resource at their disposal. In the interest of the peace of Holy Land and the Salvation of a homeless people reduced by anti-semitic persecution to desperate plight appeal to you as successor of President jointly responsible with Lord Balfour adoption of national home policy to use your good offices with British Government to abstain from breach of solemn trust which bound produce catastrophe Palestine and completely undermine all confidence in international pledges given small nations. Chaim Weizmann President Jewish Agency for Palestine.[”]