The Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at
Tangier (Blake) to the Secretary of State
No. 1480
Tangier, August 14, 1939.
September 1.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my
despatch No. 1477 of August 4, 1939 on the subject of the American
claims in the French Zone, reporting conversations between Consul
General Goold at Casablanca and Mr. Broustra, Chief of the
Diplomatic Cabinet at Rabat, and enclosing a copy of my instructions
to Mr. Goold regarding the reply to be made. This reply seems to
have penetrated the consciousness of the French authorities, as is
evidenced by attached copy of a letter, dated August 12, 1939,
received from Mr. Goold this morning.
Respectfully yours,
The Consul General at Casablanca
(Goold) to the Diplomatic
Agent and Consul General at Tangier (Blake)
Casablanca, August 12,
Sir: I talked over the telephone this
morning with M. Broustra and gave him the message contained in
your letter of August 3. He told
[Page 682]
me that the reason why no proposal was
ready in the El Yacoubi case was because of its difficulty. The
case was still under study by the various departments of the
Protectorate, and when they had concluded, a proposal would be
drawn up.
As to the connection of claims settlements with the negotiations
at Washington, he was writing to Paris asking for information as
to what had occurred at Washington in June and for definite
instructions as to whether to proceed with the claims
settlements independently of the treaty negotiations.
Respectfully yours,