882.6351 U. S. Steel Corp./79
Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Henry S. Villard of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs
While talking on the telephone about another matter, Mr. Walker69 inquired whether anything had been heard as yet from the United States Steel Corporation in regard to its report on the iron ore surveys in Liberia. Mr. Walker said he had been instructed by the Liberian Secretary of the Treasury to find out what the United States Steel Corporation intended to do in this matter.
I said that we had received no further word from the steel corporation other than that contained in our letter to him on September 14.70 Mr. Walker inquired whether we had any reason to believe the United States Steel Corporation was not going to furnish the report and whether the Department would now consider it advisable to approach the Bethlehem Steel Corporation. I said that it was my recollection the United States Steel Corporation had been given a period of six months to undertake its surveys in Liberia, with an additional six months if necessary, and that this total period of one year would now appear to have elapsed. I suggested that it might be in order for the Liberian Government to approach the United States Steel Corporation with a request that it adhere to its part of the bargain by furnishing the promised geological report. If a satisfactory response were not forthcoming, the field might be considered to be open again and steps might then be taken to interest the Bethlehem company.
Mr. Walker agreed with these suggestions and said he would take up the subject at once with his Government.