391.1164/120: Telegram

The Chargé in Iran (Engert) to the Secretary of State

163. I called with Dodds, Hutchins and Allen7 on the Minister of Foreign Affairs this morning and referred to my note of October 138 [Page 537] (see my despatch No. 1705).9 He was very cordial and seemed impressed by the fact that representations [representative] had been sent all the way from America. He said nothing that would indicate the slightest change in the Government’s decision to proceed with the expropriation of the schools.

I shall also introduce the negotiations [negotiators] to the Prime Minister and to the Minister of Education.

  1. Cady H. Allen, of the Presbyterian Mission at Hamadan, Iran.
  2. See telegram No. 50, October 11, noon, to the Chargé in Iran, p. 534.
  3. Not printed.