123R542/193: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

553. Department’s 305, October 7, 5 p.m., and previous.

A formal note replying to our note of September 8 with regard to the search of Consul Roberts was received today. It states that the search measures were instituted to prevent the withdrawal from [Page 399] the Hong Kong [and] Shanghai Bank of China national currency known to have been deposited by a British national and there was therefore no expectation that these measures would be applied against American consular officers; that the identity of Roberts was not known when he was searched; and that when the facts of the search were ascertained the Japanese authorities expressed regret and undertook to cease search of American citizens. The note concludes: “The Imperial Government greatly regrets, as do the Japanese authorities in China, that an American consular officer was searched. The sentries concerned have been strictly cautioned by the appropriate authorities and precautions are being taken to prevent the recurrence of such incidents in the future”.
An informal letter from the Director of the American Bureau of the Foreign Office with regard to the search of Vice Consul was also received. It refers to the official note above outlined and concludes: “Unfortunately there were Chinese constables who were not aware that American citizens were not to be searched, with the regrettable result that the search of the Vice Consul occurred. When it took place the police authorities at once expressed regret to the American Consul and they are taking measures to assure definitely against the recurrence of incidents of this character.”

Sent to Peiping. Peiping please repeat to Chefoo, Chungking.
