893.102 Tientsin/407: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Japan (Dooman)

234. Tour 370, July 28, 3 p.m. As indicated in the Department’s 218, July 25, 6 p.m., the danger to Americans in China and their [Page 360] interests to be envisaged in the widespread and expanding anti-foreign agitation sponsored by Japanese agents is potentially so serious that this Government cannot ignore it. The continuing extension of the propaganda and phases of the agitation such as that implied in the “warning to other foreigners” contained in the third quoted paragraph of Peiping’s 375, July 29, 12 noon,29 seem to emphasize the need for making representations in the matter to the Japanese Government. Furthermore, it seems advisable that we should not withhold from the knowledge of the Japanese Foreign Office the fact that we are aware of the adverse effects of such agitation upon American interests in China and are deeply concerned lest a continuance of such abusive propaganda result, directly or indirectly, not only in concrete harm to American commercial and other interests but also in personal danger to American nationals. (See Department’s 224, July 28, 5 p.m., third paragraph, second sentence.)

In view of the foregoing, the Department, while leaving to your discretion the exact time of your approach to the Minister or Vice Minister, is of the opinion that your representations should be made at an early opportune moment.

Sent to Tokyo via Shanghai. Repeated to Chungking and Peiping.

  1. Not printed.