393.1115/4012: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Hankow (Josselyn)
13. Your 22, January 23, noon.72 The Department is inclined to concur in the opinion expressed in your telegram under reference with regard to the return of American women to Hankow and, therefore, in cases where there are adequate and reasonable grounds for return and where failure to return would involve undue hardship, it is not disposed officially to discourage their return. However, having in mind the Department’s policy toward the return of Americans to China, it is desired that you continue to discourage American women generally, especially those with children, from returning to Hankow when there exists no good reason for their doing so.
With reference to the mention of Mrs. Jarvis in your 2, of January 5, 6 p.m., Mr. Jarvis is appropriately instructed concerning transporation expenses and per diem.
Repeated to Chungking and Shanghai.
- Not printed.↩