393.1115/4163: Telegram

The Consul General at Tientsin (Caldwell) to the Secretary of State

46. Japanese Consul General has assured me in writing that the list of Americans residing outside the Concessions, which I sent to him, was sent at once to the Japanese gendarmerie with a request to take every precaution to ensure safety of such Americans, and that he is “now in receipt of a communication from the gendarmerie authorities that the list of American residents was given to the gendarmes of the First Special Area with orders to support the Chinese police by word and example to greater efforts towards insuring the safety of your citizens”.

With reference to the Department’s 61, March 21, 6 p.m., in view of the assurance which I have received it appears Unnecessary at present to consider any use of the marines for the protection of Americans.

Repeated to Chungking, Peiping.
