762.94/275: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)
33. Your 73, February 8, 4 p.m. We are in entire agreement with you as to the desirability of Japan’s not proceeding with the proposed alliance. We desire to leave to your discretion the form of any further approach you might advantageously make as well as what you might appropriately say. We believe that whatever approach you may make should be as on your own authority. We suggest that instead of saying “with all countries but more especially with the United States and Great Britain” it would be preferable that you say “with all countries, important among which is the United States”. You will, of course, be careful to avoid saying anything which might be taken to imply that this country might be expected to compensate Japan by anything specific for an abandonment by Japan of any purpose to consummate the proposed alliance. You might, however, if it seems advisable to you, take occasion to emphasize the conviction that the best interests of Japan as well as of all other nations will best be served by universal support of principles and policies which tend to broaden rather than to narrow the basis for friendly and mutually beneficial relations among nations in general.