793.94119/580: Telegram

The Counselor of Embassy in China (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State

478. Following sent to the Ambassador, September 8:

“September 8, 3 p.m. Dr. Stuart brought me a telegram recently which he asked me to send to Doctor Kung through you and which I [Page 244] declined to send because I felt that the contents of the message were such that if they were to become known now or later the Embassy at Chungking and here as well might be greatly embarrassed. Dr. Stuart thoroughly understood and appreciated my position.

He has now brought me another telegram for Kung the substance of which is as follows in case you wish to bring it to the attention of the addressee:

Definite progress making. If recent happenings cause variation from our conversation please advise me word. (End of summary.)

In the utmost confidence Stuart informed me that the above message has to do with peace overtures and that both Kung and Chiang Kai Shek are privy to what is going on here between Stuart, Wang Keh Min and Kita. Stuart stated that he thought that within 2 weeks some sort of a concrete peace proposal might be formulated and put forth. He seemed somewhat optimistic that the military authorities might make some concessions not heretofore thought likely.

I should greatly appreciate some indication from you as to just how far I should go in transmitting to you, and in what form, messages or information such as contained herein. My own feeling is that such messages should not be transmitted. If you consider that this telegram should be repeated to the Department, which I believe should be done in view of the information contained therein, please advise me.”

Following reply has been received today:

“September 10, 9 a.m. Your September 8, 3 p.m. I agree that neither you nor I should have anything whatever to do with transmission of such messages. Please give Department copy of your message and this reply.”
