860M.01 Memel/577: Telegram

The Minister in Lithuania (Norem) to the Secretary of State

10. Lithuanian Foreign Minister48 returned Tuesday with Ger man unwritten ultimatum regarding the voluntary surrender of Memel territory within 60 days. According to the plan, Lithuania will receive use of port.

While accepting the ultimatum in principle, the Lithuanian Government is employing the method of appeal to the signatory powers.49 The orderly transfer of the territory this week is foreseen. The Germans are preparing for a triumphal entry. The treatment of the Lithuanian Minister for Foreign Affairs in Berlin was typically German—brutal and discourteous. Slight disturbances noted in country.

A delegation, most likely headed by Minister for Foreign Affairs, will leave for Berlin tonight to discuss methods of transfer and other questions involved.

  1. Juozas Urbsys.
  2. i. e., of the Memel Convention signed May 8, 1924; for text, see League of Nations Treaty Series, vol. xxix, p. 86.