724.34119/1281: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State

81. From Braden. Alvarado again assured committee this morning that Justo’s full influence [would be brought?] to bear on Paraguay at the appropriate moment. President of the Argentine Republic received mediators this afternoon and declared his hearty approval of the intensive labors of the Conference during the last few weeks, his conviction an early peace treaty is to be expected, that we can count on his Government’s unreserved collaboration and solidarity and he desired us to call on his aid whenever needed.

Fifth paragraph of my 69, March 25, 9 p.m., Alvarado authorized delegates going to La Paz to say that providing peace is made Argentine will undertake with Bolivia and Paraguay the canalization of Pilcomayo as far as D’Orbigny so Bolivia can have a port there.

On the day delegates arrive in ex-belligerent capitals Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs ad interim will publish telegrams calling on Bolivia and Paraguay to come to terms. At my suggestion his telegrams will refer to the mandate put on this Conference by all America at the Maintenance of Peace Conference in resolution 64.24

Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs expects to arrange for Riart, now Paraguayan Minister in Rio de Janeiro, to meet and collaborate with Conference committee in Asunción. He has shown himself to be more reasonable than most Paraguayans. [Braden.]

  1. “LXIV. Vote of Commendation to the Mediatory Nations in the Chaco Conflict, and Appeal to Bolivia and Paraguay” (approved December 23, 1936), Report of the Delegation of the United States of America to the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 1–23, 1936 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1937), p. 255.