- Aerial bombardment. See under Conference of American States: Discussions.
- Agreements. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- All America Cables, Inc., 536, 540, 554–560
- American Smelting and Refining Co., 727
- Anglo-Ecuadorian Oilfields, Ltd., 539, 540, 543, 548, 553–554
- Arbitration. See Argentina: Boundary dispute; Mexico: Expropriation of American-owned agrarian properties: International arbitration; Permanent Court of International Justice; and under the following: Chaco dispute: Peace treaty; Ecuador-Peru boundary dispute.
- Argentina (see also
Conference of American States: Argentine memorandum
Discussions: Neutral
consultation; and under
Chaco dispute), 272–320
- Boundary dispute with Chile, controversy over Beagle Channel Islands, 210–217
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary
discussions, 272–313
- Exchange provisions:
- Bilateral trade balance, Argentine policy, 272–275, 284, 291, 292, 306–507; U. S. views, 284
- Debt service, relation to, 273, 304–305
- Most-favored-nation treatment, U. S. policy, 276–277, 281–283, 284–286, 287, 294; Argentine views, 278–281, 293, 306–307
- Proportional formula, U. S. proposals, 288–290, 294–295, 300, 304; Argentine position, 292–293, 298, 302, 304, 308
- Specified products basis, 287–288
- Surcharge on exchange for U. S. goods, 272–273
- Publicity regarding, 275–276, 283–284, 293–294, 296
- Tariff concessions, 296, 298–299, 300, 300–301, 305, 309
- Termination provision, 286, 287, 300
- Exchange provisions:
- U. S. Army Air Corps officers, engaged by Argentina to serve as military aviation instructors, 313–320; Brazilian objections, 316–320
- Artistic and scientific institutions and historic monuments, treaty on protection of (1935), cited, 23–24
- Aviation, 70
- Axis influence in Latin America, 218, 409–420, 539, 727, 728, 732
- Bananera del Ecuador, Cia., 536, 540, 554
- Bolivia (see also Chaco dispute), confiscation of properties in Bolivia of Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, 321–329
- Boundary disputes:
- Argentina-Chile, controversy over Beagle Channel Islands, 210–217
- Bolivia-Paraguay. See Chaco dispute.
- British Honduras-Guatemala, controversy over Belize, 202–209
- Ecuador-Peru. See Ecuador-Peru boundary dispute.
- Honduras-Nicaragua. See Honduras-Nicaragua boundary dispute.
- Panama-Costa Rica boundary settlement, factor in Honduras-Nicaragua dispute, 265–267, 268
- Brazil (see also
Chaco dispute), 330–420
- Agreement with United States for military mission, signed Nov. 12 at Rio de Janeiro, citation to text, 420
- Exchange restrictions, U. S. efforts to secure
equitable treatment for American interests, 330–373
- Agreement with United States on purchase of gold for dollar exchange, 342–344, 362
- Armaments, Brazilian purchase of, relation to, 338, 339, 345, 346–347
- Bank of Brazil, difficulties of, 333, 334, 335, 342–343, 350, 357, 362–363; assistance of Export-Import Bank, 356–357, 361–363; negotiations with Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 343, 354–355, 357, 358
- Decree law affecting foreign exchange, signed Dec. 23, 1937: Danger of frozen credit situation in connection with, 332, 338, 347; suspension of exchange transactions in connection with, 332–333, 339–340; text, 330–331
- Foreign debt in relation to exchange, U. S. interest in, 344–345
- German-Brazilian situation (see also German-Brazilian commercial agreement, infra), 344–353 passim, 358, 359–360, 363, 370
- Gold shipments to United States to establish credit, 389, 341, 343, 354–355
- Imports from United States, relation to, 359–361
- National Foreign Trade Council, activities of, 359–361, 370–371
- Negotiations with U. S. Treasury, 363–367, 371–373
- Oil Company quotas, contracts for, 336, 339, 341
- U. S.-Brazilian Commercial Committees in Rio de Janeiro and New York (see also U. S.-Brazilian Mixed Commissions, infra), 350–351, 370–371
- U. S. representations, 335, 340, 344–349 passim, 361–362, 368, 369–370
- Foreign debt service, suspension of, 373–382
- German-Brazilian commercial agreement (1936), 382–396
- Nazi activities, 408–420
- Assassination attempt against President Vargas, motivated by, 413–414, 415, 417–418; German attitude, 415, 416, 419
- Attitude of German Embassy, 409, 410, 412, 414; of German population in Brazil, 411–412
- Decree law to curtail, actions in connection with, 409–410, 411, 412–414
- Plot against government, 419–420
- President Vargas’ reactions, 409; message from President Roosevelt, 410
- Trade agreement with United States, problems relative to, 405–408
- U. S. Army Air Corps officers in Argentina, Brazilian objections to, 316–320
- U. S.-Brazilian Mixed Commissions in New York and Rio de Janeiro for promotion of trade relations: Membership, 398, 399, 400, 402–404; purpose, 397, 401; U. S. announcement of establishment, 404–405
- British Honduras-Guatemala boundary dispute, 202–209
- Chaco dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay: Chaco Peace
Conference, 89–177
- Arbitration (see also Mediation activities: Boundary negotiations, infra): Arbitral award, 154, 155, 156, 161, 163–164, 168–169, 171, 174, 177; arbitral compromise, 95, 110–113, 114, 119, 137, 140, 142, 143, 144, 150, 154, 155, 156; arbitrators, 163–164, 167, 169, 170–171, 174
- Argentina (see also Mediation activities, infra): Conference resolution of appreciation, 91; general policy, 95, 97, 98, 102, 112, 113–114, 116
- Bilateral agreement, Paraguayan proposal to Bolivia for, 143–144
- Bolivian delegation, internal differences of, 116, 160
- Boundary negotiations. See under Mediation activities, infra.
- Communiqué issued to the press, 139
- Ecuador-Peru boundary dispute, Ecuadoran appeal to Chaco mediators, 234–242 passim
- Hostilities, possibility of renewal, 94, 100, 103, 108, 118, 123, 124, 134, 136, 137, 140, 150, 156, 157
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace, possible action in certain contingency, 113
- Mediation activities conducted by Argentina, Brazil,
Chile, Peru, Uruguay, and United States:
- Argentine influence on Paraguay regarded as imperative, 90, 98, 122, 123, 139
- Bolivian attitude: General, 94, 101, 105, 107, 121, 130, 136, 137, 144, 148, 158; failure of Conference, question of, 101, 148–149, 150, 151–152, 153; threat to leave Conference, 146, 149
- Boundary negotiations:
- Conference offer: Bolivian acceptance, 129, 134; meeting of exbelligerents for final consideration of, 119–120, 122, 124–125: Paraguayan rejection, 130, 138; President Roosevelt’s support, 126–129
- Paraguayan attitude: General, 92, 93, 94, 95, 105, 115, 118, 134, 135, 144, 146, 149, 157–158; intransigence of delegates, 98, 102–103, 116, 117, 123, 130, 134, 135, 143, 148
- Plebiscite in Paraguay, question of, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152–153, 161, 164, 169
- Port facilities, Bolivian demand for:
- Military Commission to Chaco, 167
- Mixed Commission. See under Peace Treaty, infra.
- Paraguayan delegation (see also under Mediation activities, supra): Divergent declarations, 134; incomplete information to Asunción, 141; internal differences, 132–133, 159, 166
- Peace treaty:
- Draft text, 160, 163–165, 166; final draft text, 168–170, 171, 172, 173
- Formal signing arrangements: Preliminaries, 161, 162, 165–166, 167, 168; signatures, 172–173
- Inducements offered by Argentina for Bolivian acceptance, 101, 105, 107, 156–157
- Mixed Commission of the Conference, 164, 167, 169; act of constituting, 175–177
- Plan of procedure proposed by United States, 153–156; attitudes of Bolivia and Paraguay, 158
- Press comment, 109, 139, 143, 149–150
- Prisoners Committee, work of, 89, 94
- Troop movements disturbing Conference, 140, 160
- U. S. military observers in Chaco, 142, 145
- World Court, possible resort to as alternative to Conference mediation, 100, 106, 113; arbitration by a distinguished citizen, instead of, 119; optional clause of statute, 129–130
- Chase National Bank of New York, 812, 813, 817n, 818
- Chile (see also
Chaco dispute), 421–461
- Commercial agreement with United States, provisional, signed Jan. 6 and Feb. 1, 421–431
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions
concerning, 431–461
- Exchange provisions: British negotiations with Chile, relation to, 436, 440–441, 442–443, 443–444, 451; Chilean compensation agreements with Germany and others, relation to, 439, 442–443, 443, 448–449; Chilean position, 439, 440–441, 442–443, 443, 448–449, 460–461; commission to readjust, proposal for, 440, 443; most-favored-nation principle, 432, 433, 441, 442, 452, 457–458; U. S. position, 432–433, 446–447, 450–454
- Most-favored-nation principle, 432, 433, 441, 442, 452, 457–459
- Public announcement, U. S. procedure, 433, 455–456
- Tariff concessions, considerations relating to, 437, 439
- U. S. “standard” general provisions, 433–434; draft revisions, discussion and texts, 451–459
- Chilean-Argentine commercial treaty (1881), cited, 212
- Claims. See under Mexico.
- Clayton-Bulwer treaty (1850), 204–205, 207, 208, 653
- Cocos Island, U. S. attitude toward acquisition from Costa Rica, 467–471
- Coffee (see also under Haiti): Costa Rica, question of export quotas, 468; El Salvador, export tax, 562, 563, 564
- Colombia, 462–466
- Collective security pact. See Conference of American States: Discussions: Defense.
- Commercial aviation convention of Havana (1928), 70
- Commissions, committees, etc.:
- Claims Commissions, U. S.–Mexico: General, 675, 679, 682–683, 763–765, 769–771; Special, 683, 701
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, 374, 377, 378, 380, 381, 491, 503, 561n, 567, 580–581, 586, 588, 589–590, 593–598 passim, 874–875, 882–887 passim
- Inter-American Commission of Women, 74–75, 84
- Mixed Commission of Chaco Peace Conference, 164, 167, 169, 175–177
- National Foreign Trade Council, 359–361, 370–371
- Permanent Commission provided by Gondra treaty of 1923, 178–183 passim, 185, 186, 189–190, 192–196, 671, 695, 715, 715–716, 718
- Securities and Exchange Commission, 487–488, 815
- Conference of American States, Eighth International, Lima,
Dec. 9–27, 1–88
- Agenda (see also Discussions, infra): Outline of, 55–57; U. S. position, 20, 53–80
- Argentine memorandum, 33–36; reports concerning Argentine views on Conference, 31–33
- Boundary disputes, relation to, 220–221, 233, 235, 265, 269
- Declaration of Lima, signed Dec. 24 (see also Discussions: Defense, infra), text and information on signing of, 83–84, 88
- Discussions concerning—
- Aerial bombardment, project of convention for prohibition, 20–27, 44, 752; attitudes of U. S. Navy Department and of U. S. War Department, 46–47, 52–53
- Continental solidarity. See Defense, infra.
- Defense—collective security pact: Argentine opposition to, 47–48, 85; declaration in lieu of convention, question of, 80–81, 82; information concerning, 38–44, 49, 50; joint compromise formula, 86–87: President Roosevelt’s remarks and approval, 38–39, 85; signed, Dec. 24, 88; text, 83–84
- Inter-American Court, objections to creation of: By Argentina, 32, 34: by Brazil, 19
- Neutral consultation, Argentine project, 37, 42, 44–45, 80–81; U. S. proposed revisions and Argentine reaction, 45–46, 51
- Ninth International Conference of American States, proposed sites, 83, 84
- Pan American League of Nations, Colombian-Dominican project: Information concerning, 12–15, 17–19, 28; opposition, 13, 14, 19, 28, 31, 32–33, 34, 37; support, 13, 18–19, 462; U. S. position, 14, 15–17, 28, 30
- Peace machinery, U. S. project on coordination of (see also Argentine memorandum, supra): Advance reaction at lima, 52; consolidated peace treaty, draft, 37–38; introduced to conference, 81
- Spanish situation, discussion in Committee on Initiatives, 82–83
- Instructions to U. S. delegates. See U. S. participation: Delegation, infra.
- Mediation and good offices, Mexican proposal concerning, 29
- Preliminaries to assembling of Conference (see also U. S. participation, infra):
- Proceedings (see also Discussions, supra), 80–88
- U. S. participation:
- Delegation, instructions to (see also Outline of policy, infra), 53–80
- Invitation from Peruvian Government, 8–10; acceptance, 10–12
- Outline of policy concerning agenda items: Economic problems, 66–74; intellectual cooperation and moral disarmament, 75–78; international law, 62–66; Pan American Union and the International Conferences of American States, 78–79; organization of peace, 57–62; reports, 80; women’s rights, 74–75
- Conferences, international:
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace, Buenos Aires (1936), 9, 12, 16, 29, 31, 32, 37, 42, 45, 51, 58, 59, 60, 66, 67, 79, 113, 197, 234, 342, 774, 900, 945
- Inter-American Radio Conference, Havana (1937), 70
- Inter-American Technical Aviation Conference, Lima (1937), 70
- International Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration, Washington (Dec. 10, 1928–Jan. 5, 1929), 189–190
- Second International Conference of American States, Mexico City (1902), 682
- Sixth International Conference of American States, Havana (1928), 64, 79
- Seventh International Conference of American States, Montevideo (1933), 58, 67, 74, 682, 692, 900, 945
- Eighth International Conference of American States. See Conference of American States.
- Continental solidarity. See Conference of American States: Discussions: Defense.
- Coolidge, Calvin, 79
- Costa Rica (see also Honduras-Nicaragua boundary dispute: Mediation Commission), 467–471
- Cotopaxi Exploration Co., 538–539, 552 Cuba, 472–490
- Cultural Relations Division, Department of State, creation of, 75–76
- Cummings, Homer (Attorney General), 211
- Dallas-Clarendon treaty (1856), 206–208
- Debts. See Brazil: Foreign debt service; Cuba: Public Works debt; El Salvador: Loan Contract of 1922; Haiti: Agreements and Franco-Haitian commercial agreement: Provisions regarding French gold loan of 1910; Peru: Bond payments.
- Declaration of Lima, Dec. 24, regarding solidarity of American States. See under Conference of American States.
- Discrimination. See under Ecuador; Mexico; Peru: Bond payments and Trade agreement with United States; Uruguay: Exchange restrictions and Trade agreement with United States.
- Dominican Republic (see also
Haitian-Dominican dispute), 491–508
- Convention with United States of Dec. 27, 1924, negotiations for new convention modifying,
- Bonded indebtedness, proposals for amortization and service, 491–492, 503
- Good neighbor policy, Dominican emphasis on, 492, 494
- President Trujillo, attitude, 493–494, 495, 496–497, 498–499
- Protection of interests of U. S. bondholders, 491–498, 502, 502–503
- Receivership General of Customs, 491–496 passim, 499
- Haitian apprehensions as to Dominican aggression, 623, 641–644, 645, 647
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions concerning, 503–508
- Convention with United States of Dec. 27, 1924, negotiations for new convention modifying,
- Ecuador (see also
Ecuador-Peru boundary dispute), 509–560
- Discrimination against foreign companies (see also Taxation of foreign companies, infra), Decree No. 27 of Dec. 13, 1937, regarding pensions, 536–537, 538, 539–540, 540, 543–544, 544, 553, 554
- Free entry guarantees to foreign companies, abolition of, 538, 538–539, 540, 544, 552, 559
- Municipal taxation of foreign goods, 521, 523–524
- President Enríquez, attitude toward foreign companies, 539, 540, 542, 545, 552, 554–555, 556, 557
- Taxation of foreign companies and goods, 513, 521, 523–524, 537–538, 539, 540, 543, 544, 551, 552, 553, 554–560
- Trade agreement with United States, signed Aug.
6, 509–535
- Negotiations: Balance of trade clause, 509–511, 512–513, 513–514, 516; Ecuadoran import and exchange regulations involved, 519–526 passim; effect on trade balance of exporting cyanide concentrates to United States, 509–510, 511, 513, 524; most-favored-nation clause, 510–511, 512, 513, 527; post-signature revisions, 529–532; reservations covering arms and measures relating to neutrality, 532–535; tariff concessions by Ecuador, 511, 514–515, 518, 526–527, 527; termination clause, 510–511, 512, 513, 516
- Text, citation to, 535
- U. S. protection of American business interests: All America Cables, Inc., 536, 540, 554–560; South American Development Co., 536–554
- Ecuador-Peru boundary dispute, 217–245
- Arbitration, proposals for: President Roosevelt as arbitrator, 217, 219, 222, 226, 227, 233; World Court as arbitrator, 217–218, 219, 221–222, 223
- Bilateral negotiations, question of, 228, 233
- Boundary Conference, Peruvian suspension of, 228, 232; Ecuadoran attitude, 229, 230, 231
- Conference of American States held at Lima, relation to, 220–221, 233, 235
- Ecuadoran position: Influence of Italian military mission, 218; proposal for amplification of Protocol of June 21, 1924, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232; request for good offices of Chaco mediators, 231, 234–242 passim; threat to boycott Conference of American States, 220–221, 233
- Peruvian position (see also Boundary Conference, supra), 186–187, 232, 233
- U. S. position, 219–225, 243–245
- Eighth International Conference of American States. See Conference of American States.
- El Salvador, Loan Contract of 1922 and Readjustment Agreement of Apr. 27, 1936, suspension of payments under, 561–572
- Exchange restrictions. See Argentina: Trade agreement: Exchange provisions; Ecuador: Trade agreement with United States; and under Brazil and Uruguay.
- Export-Import Bank, 356–357, 361–363, 574n, 617, 632, 820
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 343, 354–355, 357, 358, 818
- Federal Reserve Board, 818
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council. See under Commissions, committees, etc.
- France (see also Haiti: Franco-Haitian commercial agreement), 427
- Geneva convention (July 27, 1929), provisions for protection of medical establishments and Red Cross personnel, cited, 24–25
- Germany. See Axis influence in Latin America; Brazil: German-Brazilian commercial agreement and Nazi activities; Honduras: Commercial treaty with Germany; Panama: Sale of land.
- Glass-Steagall Banking Act of June 16, 1933, 812
- Gondra treaty. See under Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Good neighbor policy, 54, 464, 492, 494, 605, 606, 675, 677
- Good offices. See Peru: Bond payments and under Haitian-Dominican dispute.
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Guano Island Act of Aug. 18, 1856, cited, 654
- Guatemala, dispute with United Kingdom in connection with the boundary of British Honduras, 202–209
- Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907, 21–23, 25–26
- Haiti (see also
Haitian-Dominican dispute), 573–649
- Agreements with United States:
- Agreement signed Jan. 13 (modifying Accord of Aug. 7, 1933) providing for partial suspension of debt payments (see also Supplementary agreement, infra), 573–593
- Supplementary agreement signed July 1 providing for extension of the partial moratorium, 593–602
- American loan of 1922. See Agreements, supra, and under Franco-Haitian commercial agreement: Provisions, infra.
- Calixte plot, 595n, 646n
- Coffee: Export tax reduction, and decline of prices in world markets, 573, 574, 575, 582–583, 590–594, 596–597, 599–600; French sacks and shipping, 610, 612, 631, 635; French surtax on imports, question of, 602–603, 607, 608, 609, 610, 619, 620, 625; importance of French coffee market to Haitian economy, question of, 602, 604, 609–610, 621, 629, 634–635, 639
- Dominican aggression, apprehension of, 623, 641–644, 645, 647
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, 580–581, 586, 588, 589–590, 593–598 passim
- Franco-Haitian commercial agreement and U. S.
representations in connection with, 602–641
- French surtax on imports of Haitian coffee, 602–603, 607, 608, 609, 610, 619, 620, 625
- Haitian denunciation, possibility of, 629, 630–631, 633, 636, 638, 638–639
- Most-favored-nation treatment, Haitian failure to extend to United States, 630, 636–637, 638–641
- Protocol of Signature: Financial clause, U. S. representations and Haitian position (see also Provisions: Transfer, infra), 615, 616–622, 623, 631–632; publication and ratification, question of, 618, 622, 623, 625–626, 628
- Provisions regarding French gold loan of 1910, question of inclusion: American loan of 1922, relation to, 603, 605, 611, 615–616, 617, 619, 621, 621–622, 623–624, 632, 635; transfer of 1910 loan redemption fund from National City Bank of New York to Banque de l’Union Parisienne of Paris, 611, 612, 613–614, 615, 617, 619, 620–621, 622, 625, 626, 627, 628–630, 632, 632–633, 634, 635, 637–638, 638
- Signing of convention, 613
- French gold loan of 1910. See Franco-Haitian commercial agreement: Provisions, supra.
- Garde d’Haiti: Assassination plot against Palace Garde commander, 595, 595n, 646, 646n; U. S. Army advisers, engagement of, 641–649
- Noninterference policy of United States, 574–575, 582
- President Vincent: Attitude toward United States, 605, 622, 635–636; views regarding Dominican President Trujillo, 641, 642
- Public works program, 598, 601, 602, 614, 616, 622, 622n, 646
- Agreements with United States:
- Haitian-Dominican dispute, settlement of, 178–201
- Good offices of Cuba, Mexico, and United States, requested by Haiti, 196–197, 198
- Negotiations: Demands and proposals, 179, 181, 183, 184, 188, 191–192, 194; Dominican attitude, 179–180, 188, 190, 190–191, 193, 197–198; Haitian attitude, 180, 181–182, 185, 188–189; Papal Nuncio, activities of, 181, 182, 184, 188, 191, 192, 193, 197–198; Permanent Commission provided for by Gondra treaty of 1923, relation to, 178–186 passim, 189–190, 192–196
- Protocol of settlement, Jan. 31, 196, 199; Dominican compliance, 200, 201
- Honduras (see also Honduras-Nicaragua boundary dispute): Commercial treaty with Germany, U. S. attitude toward renewal of, 656; sovereignty over Swan Islands, reservation by Honduras of claim to, 650–655
- Honduras-Nicaragua boundary dispute, 245–271
- Arbitral award of 1906 by King of Spain, 245, 249, 250, 253, 256
- Armaments, proposal for purchase, 260–263, 270
- Bilateral negotiations, suggested as possibility, 255
- Mediation Commission, activities of:
- Aerial mapping, proposed as basis for examination, 245, 249, 270, 271
- Costa Rican attitude regarded as threat to mediation, 255, 256; question of withdrawal, 253, 268, 269, 270
- Honduran grant of territory, suggested as possibility, 245
- Indemnity to Nicaragua, discussed, 256–257
- Sessions, question of discontinuation of, 251, 252–254, 256, 257–260, 264; Panama-Costa Rica boundary settlement as factor, 265–267, 268
- Tribunal powers for, suggested by Nicaragua, 250
- Protocol of Dec. 10, 1937, question of extending, 258, 260–263, 270
- Immigration quotas, Argentine views on, 33, 35
- Inter-American Court, proposed, 3, 5, 19, 32, 34, 37
- Inter-American Technical Aviation Conference (1937), 70
- Italy. See Axis influence in Latin America.
- Jones-Costigan Act of May 9, 1934, cited, 507
- Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), 32, 34
- League of Nations: References to in connection with proposed Pan American League of Nations, 17–18, 19–20; sanctions, experience in use of, 59
- Lima, Declaration of (Declaration of the Principles of Solidarity of Americas), signed Dec. 24 See under Conference of American States.
- Manufacturers Trust Co. of New York, 561, 566
- Mediation. See Haitian-Dominican dispute: Good offices; and under Chaco dispute; Conference of American States; Honduras-Nicaragua boundary dispute.
- Mexico, 657–783
- Agrarian situation. See Expropriation of American-owned agrarian properties, infra.
- Claims (see also Expropriation of American-owned agrarian properties, infra): Discussion of an agreement between United States and Mexico for lump sum settlement of general claims, 761–772; general claims convention with United States, 1923, and protocol of 1934, cited, 665, 668, 669, 672, 682
- Conference of American States, Mexican proposals regarding a convention on prohibition of aerial bombardment, 20–27, 44, 40–47, 52–53; regarding a protocol on mediation and good offices, 29
- Discrimination against United States in tariff increases, 773–774, 776, 778, 779
- Expropriation of American-owned agrarian properties,
U. S. representations for discontinuance pending authorization for
payment and exchange of notes providing for settlement of claims
arising therefrom (see also
Expropriation of oil properties, infra), 657–719
- Agrarian bonds, 680–682, 751
- Compensation, debate on principle of, 674–678, 679–684, 685–689, 696–701, 703–705, 705–707, 741–742
- General Claims Commission, 675, 679, 682–683
- International arbitration, question of resort to, 678, 683–684, 689–692, 696
- Permanent Commission provided for by Gondra treaty (1923), 671, 695, 715, 715–716, 718
- President Cárdenas, attitude of, 664, 672, 702, 702–703, 710–713, 739, 750–751, 751
- Rights of foreigners, question of, 681–682, 692–693, 700–701
- Settlement of claims arising from expropriation: Exchange of notes, Nov. 9 and 12, providing for, 714–719; U. S. press release, Dec. 14, 719
- Special Claims Commission, 683, 701
- Yaqui Valley situation, 661, 666–667, 670, 671, 672–674, 684–685, 750
- Expropriation of oil properties of American
companies without adequate compensation, U. S. representations
regarding, 720–761
- Axis activities, possibility of, 727, 728, 732
- Companies involved, 725–726
- Compensation principle, 738, 741–742
- Decree effecting, 725–726
- President Cárdenas, attitude of, 722, 722–723, 729, 731, 733–734, 739; reported statement on U. S. representations, 755, 755n
- Representations of U. S. companies, 721, 722
- Violence, threat of, 723, 726–727
- Wage controversy, in relation to, 720–725, 726
- Land reform. See Expropriation of American-owned agrarian properties, supra.
- Tariff increases, U. S. representations against, 772–783
- Taxes: On income of manufacturers shipping into Mexico, 775; on oil production, 539, 540
- U. S. silver purchases, 663, 730, 735
- Monroe Doctrine, 40
- Most-favored-nation principle. See Argentina; Chile; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Haiti; Honduras; Peru; Uruguay: Exchange restrictions, etc., and Trade agreement with United States, etc.; Venezuela.
- National City Bank of New York (see also Haiti: Franco-Haitian commercial agreement: Provisions regarding French gold loan of 1910), 575n, 578, 580, 586, 812, 813, 818
- Neutral consultation. See under Conference of American States: Discussions.
- Nicaragua (see also
Honduras-Nicaragua boundary dispute), 784–809
- Agreement with United States signed Apr. 14 providing for adjustment of certain accounts of indebtedness and claim for refund of income taxes, citation to text, 809
- American aid in canalizing San Juan River, Nicaraguan proposal for, 796, 798, 805, 807, 808; U. S. attitude, 797, 802, 804, 806, 807–809
- Bryan-Chamorro treaty (1914) relative to an inter-oceanic canal, discussions in connection with. See Inter-oceanic canal, infra.
- Inter-oceanic canal, proposed amendment to Nicaraguan constitution authorizing treaty for: Neighboring states, question of attitude, 797, 798, 799, 800; Nicaraguan position, 796, 797–799, 800–802, 803–804, 804–805, 806; U. S. attitude, 796–797, 799, 800, 803, 804, 806, 807
- Trade agreement with United States, exchange of notes signed Feb. 8 modifying reciprocal trade agreement of Mar. 11, 1936, 784–795
- Ninth International Conference of American States, proposed sites, 83, 84
- Panama, 810–830
- Legislation requiring purchase of government bonds by foreign
banking and other institutions, and U. S. representations with
regard to, 810–821
- Canal Zone, question of jurisdiction relating to, 812, 816–817, 818
- Panama Railroad Co., applicability to, 816, 817, 818
- Provisions, 810; amended provisions, 811–812
- Substitute bill repealing, 820–821
- U. S. banks affected, 812, 813, 814–815, 818
- U. S. representations against, 811, 814–815, 816–817; Panamanian response, 817–818
- Sale of land on Pinas Bay to German interests, efforts of the United States to prevent, 821–830
- Treaties and agreements with United States: Convention of Nov. 18, 1903, 816, 817, 818, 819; general treaty of Mar. 2, 1936 (unperfected), 811, 819, 820, 827, 828
- Legislation requiring purchase of government bonds by foreign
banking and other institutions, and U. S. representations with
regard to, 810–821
- Panama Railroad Co., 816, 817, 818
- Pan American League of Nations. See under Conference of American States: Discussions.
- Pan American Union, 55–57, 78–79, 185, 192–193
- Peace machinery, coordination of. See under Conference of American States: Discussions.
- Permanent Court of International Justice (see also Chaco dispute: World Court), 60, 217–223, 659, 698
- Peru (see also
Chaco dispute
Ecuador-Peru boundary dispute), 831–894
- Bond payments, good offices of State Department to
secure resumption of:
- Discontinuance of service, 875, 877, 879, 880; public works expenditures as justification for, 877, 879, 880
- Discrimination against American bondholders, 887–888
- Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, activities of, 874–875, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887
- Foreign commercial debts, opposition to payment of, 882
- General Advisory Committee of Peruvian Bondholders, 882, 883, 885–886
- Settlement, proposals for, 881–885, 885–886; to British owners, 887
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary
discussions, 831–874
- Concessions on commodities proposed, 833–834, 836–837, 841–842, 850, 851, 852, 872, 873; cotton, 845; silver, 845, 848; sugar, 836, 845, 852–853, 856, 862, 864, 865, 868, 869–870, 871–872; wheat, 869, 870
- Discrimination against imports from the United States, 837, 838, 840–841, 857
- Draft note, U. S. stipulations, 848–851
- Economic Advisory Committee, activities relating to, 853–854, 856, 860–861, 870–871
- Great Britain, trade agreement with, relation to, 836, 839, 842, 859
- Modus vivendi of 1932, 843–844
- Most-favored-nation principle, as basis for, 833, 834, 835–836, 838, 839, 840, 842, 843, 845, 848, 856–870 passim, 871, 872, 873
- “Standard” general provisions of reciprocal trade agreements, as basis for, 834–835, 846, 846n–847n, 847, 860, 865
- Taxes, internal, question of, 834, 842–843, 850
- Trade relations with—
- U. S. naval officers to serve as advisers to Peruvian Navy, engagement of, 888–894
- Bond payments, good offices of State Department to
secure resumption of:
- Petroleum. See Ecuador; Mexico: Expropriation of oil properties, etc.
- Puerto Rico, 504, 507–508
- Revenue Acts of 1932 and 1938, 530–531 Rights and duties of states, convention of Montevideo (1933), 59, 549n, 682, 692; additional protocol (1936), 549n
- Roosevelt, Franklin D, (President):
- Aggressor, proposal on definition of, 59
- Buenos Aires Conference (1936), presence at, 79
- Chaco Peace Conference, support of, 126–129
- Colombian citizenship proposed for, 41–42, 464; testimonial by Colombian Senate, 41, 465
- Continental solidarity. See Conference of American States: Discussions, Defense.
- Good neighbor policy, statements, 54, 677
- Nazi activities in Brazil, exchange of messages with Brazilian President Vargas, 409, 410, 414, 415
- Roosevelt, James, 493–494
- Securities and Exchange Commission, 487–488, 815
- South American Development Co. See Ecuador: U. S. protection of American business interests.
- Spain, 82–83
- Standard Oil Co. See Bolivia.
- Sugar Act of Sept. 1, 1937, cited, 507
- Swan Islands, sovereignty of, 650–655
- Tariff Act of 1930, 445–446, 507–508, 530, 531
- Taxes. See Ecuador: Discrimination and Taxation; Haiti: Coffee; Peru: Trade agreement: Taxes.
- Trade Agreements Act (1934), 440, 446, 455, 456, 506, 837–838
- Trade agreements between United States and other countries:
- Treaties, conventions, etc. (see also
Trade agreements, etc.):
- Artistic and scientific institutions and historic monuments, treaty on protection of (1935), cited, 23–24
- Bryan-Chamorro treaty (1914), 796–807
- Chaco Peace treaty. See Chaco dispute: Peace treaty.
- Chilean-Argentine commercial treaty (1881), cited, 212
- Clayton-Bulwer treaty (1850), 204–205, 207, 208, 653
- Commercial aviation convention of Havana (1928), 70
- Convention on Rights and Duties of States (1933), 59, 549n, 682, 692; additional protocol relative to nonintervention (1936), 549n
- Convention to Coordinate, Extend and Assure Fulfillment of Existing Treaties between American States (1936), 59
- Dallas-Clarendon treaty (1856), 206–208
- Declaration of Lima, Dec. 24 See under Conference of American States.
- General Claims convention, U. S.-Mexico (1923), 665, 668, 669, 672; protocol (1934), 665, 672, 682
- Geneva convention of July 27, 1929, cited, 24–25
- German-Honduran commercial treaty, 656
- Gondra treaty (1923), 33, 34, 35, 178, 193, 197, 234, 671, 695, 702, 715, 718
- Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, 21–23, 25–26
- Honduras-Great Britain, Wyke-Cruz treaties (1859), 653
- Inter-American Conciliation and Arbitration (1929), 34, 34n, 178, 179, 197, 671n, 678, 683, 684, 689–691, 696
- Inter-American Solidarity, Declaration of 1936, 702
- Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928), 32, 34
- Saavedra Lamas treaty (Anti-war treaty, 1933), 59, 61
- U. S.-Argentina, unperfected sanitary convention (1935), 445
- U. S.-Colombia, agreements providing for military aviation mission and for naval mission, Nov. 23, citations to texts, 466
- U. S.-Dominican Republic. See Dominican Republic: Convention.
- U. S.-Finland, treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights (1934), 434
- U. S.-Great Britain: Clayton-Bulwer treaty (1850), 204–205, 207, 208, 653; Dallas-Clarendon treaty (1856), 206–208
- U. S.-Haiti. See Haiti: Agreements.
- U. S.-Mexico, general claims convention of 1923, and protocol of 1934, 665, 668, 669, 672, 682
- U. S.-Nicaragua. See Nicaragua: Agreement and Inter-oceanic canal.
- U. S.-Panama. See Panama: Treaties.
- United Kingdom: Dispute with Guatemala over boundary of British Honduras, 202–209; trade relations with Peru and with Uruguay, 836, 839, 842, 859, 927
- Uruguay (see also
Chaco dispute), 895–955
- Exchange restrictions, U. S. efforts to secure equitable treatment
for American interests with respect to, 923–955
- American Chamber of Commerce, activities of, 924, 925, 928, 931, 934, 939–940
- Bilateral trade policy, 936, 945, 949–950
- Discrimination against American trade, relation to, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945; import permits refused to U. S. firms, 929, 932, 936, 937, 940, 944; import stoppage, 932–933; non-assignment of quotas, effect on trade, 923–924, 929–930, 932, 945, 955; trade balance with U. S., question of, 927, 930, 933, 934, 935, 937, 938, 940–941, 945, 946, 950
- Exchange control, information concerning, 952–954
- Most-favored-nation principle, relation to, 937, 945, 950
- Resumption of importations from United States, 934, 935, 940, 943, 944
- Trade agreement with United States, proposed, relation to, 897, 905, 910, 911–912, 918, 920–921, 923, 941, 948
- U. S. representations: Informal, 923–944 passim; formal, 944–949; Uruguayan position, 949–951
- U.S. requests for exchange of information, 946–947, 949, 951–952
- Trade agreement with United States, preliminary discussions, 895–923
- Argentina, concurrent U. S. discussions in relation to, 898, 899–900, 909–910, 911, 922
- Bilateral policy as obstacle to, 897–898, 900, 916, 918, 919–921
- Concessions on commodities, proposed, 905, 908, 917–918
- Discrimination against American products, proposed removal of (see also under Exchange restrictions, supra), 898, 899, 900, 904, 914
- Most-favored-nation principle, as basis for (see also under Exchange restrictions, supra), 895, 896–897, 898, 900, 905, 906, 908–909, 911
- Multilateral trade principle, as basis for, 897–898, 900, 916
- Press notices, 902–903
- Stabilization Fund, 920–921
- Uruguayan policy toward U. S. imports, 906–907; official summary, 919–921
- U. S. duties on Uruguayan commodities, 906, 907, 931–932
- U. S. proposals, 896–897, 911–913; Uruguayan rejection, 915, 917
- Exchange restrictions, U. S. efforts to secure equitable treatment
for American interests with respect to, 923–955
- U. S. military officers. See Argentina: U. S. Army Air Corps officers; Brazil: Agreement with United States and U. S. Army Air Corps officers; Colombia: Agreements with United States; Haiti: Garde d’Haiti: U. S. Army officers; Peru: U. S. naval officers.
- U. S. Treasury Department, interpretation of Revenue Act of 1932, 530–531; action on Mexican silver purchases, 735; negotiations with Brazil, 363–367, 371–373
- Venezuela, trade agreement with United States, negotiations respecting, 956–982
- Welles, Sumner, 2, 45–46
- World Court. See Permanent Court of International Justice.