724.34119/1265: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State

60. From Braden. My 58, March 17, 6 p.m. Rivarola sails today carrying letter from Justo to President of Paraguay urging acceptance of Conference proposals. He promised to quote Alvarado to Asunción authorities to the effect that Argentina is at one with other mediators in requiring full and early settlement based on proposal described below.

Monday morning committee with Alvarado will present Paraguayan delegation three formulae stating that Conference has not discussed them with Bolivia but will undertake to use every influence to obtain that country’s acceptance of any one approved by Paraguay and that Conference after careful deliberation sees no way to a successful [settlement?] along other lines:

As previously set forth before last paragraph my 57, March 15, 7 p.m., but starting from Ballivian and ending mouth of Otuquis in Paraguay River.
As previously set forth fourth paragraph my 58, March 17, 6 p.m. but starting from Ballivian and ending at Paraguay River half way between Puerto Caballo and Bahia Negra leaving former to Bolivia and latter to Paraguay.
Arbitration by the World Court or some other entity as parties agree upon, of a zone bounded by thalweg of the Pilcomayo longitude 63 to intersection with Paraguayan line of separation along that line to Huirapitindi thence north to geographical point on Parapiti, Ravelo, mouth of Otuquis in the Paraguay River thence following thalweg Paraguayan River to a point hallway between Puerto Caballo and Bahia Negra town thence Ingavi and Linares, the territory north and west of this zone being adjudicated to Bolivia, south and east to Paraguay. [Braden.]
