838.51/3710: Telegram
The Chargé in Haiti (Finley) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:25 p.m.]
113. My number 111, August 25, noon. De la Rue reports that Leger today indicated to him that President Vincent agrees that Haiti will be obliged to denounce the French convention in case France invokes its suspension. As the Legation has previously reported, [Page 634] Leger will almost certainly endeavor to place the onus of this affair on us. De la Rue understands that Leger may now write to the National City Bank inquiring whether it perceives objection to the transfer of the 1910 redemption fund to Paris. Leger will wish, of course, to use this reply (if it is suitable) to save his own face vis-à-vis Haitian public opinion.
It is suggested that perhaps the National City Bank might be warned of the possibility of this manoeuver and the implications involved.