611.2231/281b: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ecuador (Long)
44. Department’s 43, 6th.
1. If agreement not yet signed, add at the very end of schedule II in center column the following:
“Provided, that nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to prevent the application of a tax at the rate provided for above to sawed balsa timber or to require a deduction on account of planing, tonguing, or grooving in determining board measure for the purpose of assessing import taxes on balsa lumber and timber.”
Change wording in center column of paragraph 806 (a) to following:
“Naranjilla (Solanum Quitoense Lam) juice, not specially provided for, containing less than one-half of one per centum of alcohol”.
Change wording in center column of paragraph 806(b) to following:
“Concentrated naranjilla (Solanum Quitoense Lam) juice, fit for beverage purposes”.
Change wording in rate column under 806(b) to following:
“35 cents per gallon on the quantity of unconcentrated natural fruit juice contained in such concentrated juice as shown by chemical analysis”.
Change wording of center column under paragraph 1504 (b) (1) to following:
“Hats and hoods, composed wholly or in chief value of the fiber of the carludovica palmata, commercially known as toquilla fiber or straw: not blocked or trimmed, and not bleached, dyed, colored, or stained”.
Under paragraph 1778 in center column, eliminate the words “vegetable ivory”.
2. If agreement has been signed, the foregoing changes should be made in text of agreement, which should then be re-signed. If this not possible, changes should be incorporated in amendatory exchange of notes or protocol to be signed by signers of agreement and dated day of agreement. Such notes or protocol would of course be proclaimed as part of agreement. Make every effort to have changes embodied in agreement itself.
Department regrets exceedingly the need for making these changes.