611.2231/251a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ecuador (Long)
32. Your letter of June 21, to Duggan.17 The Department believes that an agreement on all principal questions in the general provisions of the proposed trade agreement should be reached before undertaking definitive negotiations on commodities, failing which consideration would have to be given to suspending the present discussions.
While a decision has not yet been reached regarding the changes in Schedule I suggested by Banda, this Government in reaching its decision will be guided by its previous statement that it would not expect in the way of concessions from Equador more than that Government feels able to grant. Nevertheless, you should insist that any lists of proposed concessions presented by Banda for consideration by the Economic Council should include Schedules I and II as originally transmitted by the Department, irrespective of any recommendations which he may wish to suggest to that body.
- Not printed.↩