Memorandum of Conversation, by the Under Secretary of State (Welles)
The Dominican Minister called to see me this morning at my request. In accordance with the understanding we had reached on the [Page 500] telephone yesterday I returned to the Minister the two notes which had been sent to the Secretary of State by the Minister in compliance with the instructions which he had received, and in return he handed me back the note which the Secretary of State had addressed to him under date of May 19.9 I told the Minister that I thought the best way of handling this withdrawal of notes was in the most informal way possible, to which he agreed. I expressed my satisfaction at the fact that the notes had now been withdrawn by order of President Trujillo, and expressed to him my appreciation of the interest which he personally had taken in bringing about this solution.
I asked the Minister if he had as yet received any instructions from his new Minister of Foreign Affairs10 with regard to proposals from the Dominican Government for the modification of the 1924 Convention, and the Minister replied that he had not as yet received any instructions. He said, however, that he was urging his Government to do what was possible to expedite the matter so that their views might be placed before this Government. I repeated to him that we would be glad to give immediate consideration to any representations of this character which might be made by his Government.