837.51 Chase National Bank/752: Telegram

The Ambassador in Cuba (Wright) to the Secretary of State

16. Notwithstanding the message for the Cuban Ambassador contained in your telegram No. 14 of February 7, 2 p.m., which I delivered to him and of which I understand that he informed the President, the President today informed the lawyer for Purdy, Henderson that in his opinion the claim of the bondholders was perfect while that of the bank credits was open to suspicion but must be met on account of their importance to Cuba’s credit, that neither Purdy, Henderson nor the obligacionistas had any right to consideration in the public works settlement and that the debts due them, while of good repute, should be included in the floating debt.

I have arranged for Brownson9 and Feustman10 to interview Martinez Fraga on Monday the 14th but they naturally resent this statement and bespeak such support as I can give them. Have you any additional observations or instructions for me in that connection?

  1. Leonard B. Brownson, Jr., Vice President of Purdy & Henderson.
  2. B. T. Feustman, representative of Warren Brothers Co.