
Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Trade Agreements (Darlington) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Sayre)

Mr. Sayre: Your special subcommittee on Brazilian Exchange Treatment of American Commerce met on December 7, to study the reply (No. 274, November 25, 5:00 p.m.) received from the Embassy in Rio to the Department’s telegram (No. 132, November 24, noon), [Page 368] and to consider what further action should be taken in this matter. Mr. Briggs very kindly consented to sit with the subcommittee.

The subcommittee decided that the note previously sent to the Embassy in the Department’s telegram should be again sent by air mail together with a copy of the subcommittee’s earlier report and that the Embassy should be instructed to discuss the general situation and the note informally with Dr. Aranha. The Embassy was further instructed, after this conversation, to present the note formally, unless there appeared to be some definite objection to so doing. It is the subcommittee’s feeling that the note should be presented, and that this method, because of its informal beginning and its friendly nature, would be the most effective and the most appropriate in the circumstances.

An air-mail instruction, prepared in RA,46 which would give effect to your subcommittee’s recommendations is submitted herewith for your approval.47

C. F. Darlington, Jr.,

  1. Division of the American Republics.
  2. See infra.