832.5151/944: Telegram

The Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

194. My telegram No. 193.1 Decree law2 regulating sale of export bills and other foreign exchange signed today as follows:

  • “Article No. 1. The sale of all export bills or values transferred abroad can only be made through the Bank of Brazil.
  • Article No. 2. The export bills referred to in article No. 1 will be distributed by the Bank of Brazil in accordance with the provisions of this decree law.
    Daily, after having attended the necessities of the public administration, the remaining coverage will be distributed in accordance with the following order of preference: (1) Importation of merchandise and export freight charges. (2) Expenses of public utility companies. (3) Dividends and profits in general. (4) Other remittances.
    The purchasers of the bills mentioned in paragraph No. 1, with the exception of those for public administration, will pay in national currency a tax of 3% of the value of the purchase.
  • Article No. 3. The Bank of Brazil will distribute exchange to the bank by means of delivery of the respective bills or drafts substituting them and by simple exchange of correspondence. Sole paragraph. The acts in connection with this distribution are not subject to stamp tax nor intervention of a broker.
  • Article No. 4. The contracts of purchase and sale of export bills may be made up to a maximum period of 6 months. Sole paragraph. Contracts which are not liquidated within that period by the actual delivery of export bills will be subject to payment of new stamps equivalent to double of that previously paid.
  • Article No. 5. The Bank of Brazil may with the authorization of Minister of Finance,3 renounce when it judges convenient partially or totally the exclusive purchase of exchange granted to it by the present decree law.
  • Article No. 6. The proceeds of the 3% tax mentioned in paragraph No. 2 of article No. 2 and the profits resulting from operations in connection with the monopoly of exchange will be credited to the account of the national treasury for the formation of an exchange fund, the application of which the government will opportunely resolve.
  • Article No. 7. Those infringing the above dispositions will be punished by a fine which the Minister of Finance will fix between the maximum limit of double the value of the transaction and a minimum of 5 contos of reis.
  • Article No. 8. This decree law will enter into effect upon the date of its publication.
  • Article No. 9. All dispositions to the contrary revoked.”

The Minister of Finance has just advised me by telephone that the 3% tax will be utilized to form a fund for the payment of the foreign debt.

Although the Minister of Finance states that the present decree law does not infringe our trade agreement I am very doubtful in that connection and would like the Department’s views thereon.

Please advise Department of Commerce.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Decree law No. 97, December 23, 1937, Brazil, Diario Oflcial, December 24, 1937. p. 25524.
  3. Arthur de Souza Costa.