
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Duggan)

The Minister57 went over with me the status of the Nicaragua–Honduras boundary negotiations. He added little to the information in the possession of the Department except to confirm definitely that Dr. Zuniga Montufar had desired, after the rumpus in Costa Rica over the proposed treaty with Panama, to withdraw from the mediation proceedings. He was overruled by the President, who had written Dr. Castro Beeche that as long as he occupied the Presidency, Costa Rica would not withdraw from the mediation.

The Minister reminded me that Sr. Zuniga Montúfar would be present at the Lima Conference58 as head of the Costa Rican Delegation and suggested that the Secretary might take occasion to bolster Dr. Zuniga Montúfars morale by impressing upon him the responsibility of all the American nations for the peaceful solution of pending boundary difficulties.

I told the Minister that I expected to attend the Lima Conference and that I would bear his suggestion in mind, and that I was confident the Secretary would be glad to have a talk with Dr. Zuniga Montúfar.

L[aurence] D[uggan]
  1. Ricardo Castro Beeche, Costa Rican Minister.
  2. See pp. 1 ff.