
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Duggan) to the Under Secretary of State (Welles)

Mr. Welles: There is attached a memorandum49 by Dr. Corrigan recommending that immediate steps be taken to bring about a postponement of the next meeting of the Mediation Commission now scheduled for June 9. He suggests that this be accomplished through the Venezuelan and Costa Rican representatives in Washington by requests for approval from their Governments. If those Governments [Page 258] are in agreement the Governments of Honduras and Nicaragua would then be informed of the decision.

It is Dr. Corrigan’s view, which is not discussed in the attached memorandum, that the question of extending the Protocol of Dec. 10, 1937, should not be taken up until after postponement has been obtained. He feels that if the two subjects are treated simultaneously failure will be the result.

If you can spare the time I think it would be advisable at this juncture to have a session with Dr. Corrigan, during which these two matters could be discussed. At the same time there might be discussed the attitude to be taken by this Government in connection with future violations of the December 10 protocol with regard to the purchase of arms. Under separate cover I am sending down an application for the export of three military training airplanes to Honduras which clearly involves the violation of the protocol.

L[aurence] D[uggan]
  1. Supra.