715.1715/1160: Telegram

The Special Representative of the President ( Corrigan ) to the Secretary of State

61. After 10 days’ study and informal discussions of the replies presented on March 21 it seems significant that no member of the Commission supports the Honduran thesis which demands strict application of the King of Spain’s Award and admits of no other course. To date the Commission has been unable to find a solution of the situation created by the Honduran reply, but nevertheless opposed a recess; the Costa Rican member of the Commission preferring to send a formal note to the Honduran delegation pointing out in strong phraseology that its reply does not admit of mediation. I have objected to doing so at this time and have suggested recess as I am confidant that such an “ultimatum” while fixing responsibility on Honduras for an impasse would cause the termination of these conferences. [Page 251] I do not think it wise or necessary to put Honduras in this position yet, since informal conversations with the Honduran delegates encourage me to believe that a formula may be found. Such a formula might be based on creation of a special area or zone along both sides of the Segovia River allowing free trade in the valley, free navigation on the river and demilitarization of the zone.
