722.2315/1278: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received 11:30 p.m.]
74. Your 102, December 27, 1 p.m. As I am sure you appreciate, in order to secure adoption of the economic resolution, the declaration [Page 244] of solidarity and the declaration of general principles we all worked day and night. I believe it might have been perilous to the success of the Conference to have requested Dr. Concha, whose support and influence has been very helpful, to give detailed consideration to the boundary situation until the major work of the Conference was resolved. There was a well-grounded report in this connection that Concha preferred to take no steps during the Conference least he be charged with having been subjected to pressure by the Conference.
I have now discussed at length with Dr. Concha the boundary controversy. I have told him that the world situation requires that the peace of the Americas be maintained; that public sentiment in the Americas is unanimous in its insistence that there be peace on this hemisphere; that the Ecuador–Peru boundary dispute is the only major blight to the peace of the Americas; that because of its resources, strength and experience Peru should take the initiative although Ecuador of course should do its full part; and after complimenting Dr. Concha for his handling of the Conference, appealed to him to take upon his shoulders the responsibility for removing the last major obstacle towards peace in the Americas. Dr. Concha has assured me that the President is genuinely desirous of a settlement of the dispute and I believe that Dr. Concha was impressed by my personal appeal to him to take the initiative and endeavor to find a solution.
This morning I gave, in the strictest confidence, to the Foreign Minister of Ecuador and Dr. Ponce the gist, with certain necessary exceptions, of my conversation with Dr. Concha. They expressed what I believe was sincere appreciation of the steps that I have taken. It is my understanding that Dr. Tobar Donoso is thinking of requesting Dr. Ponce to remain in Peru for a short time in the hope that Dr. Concha will make reply to an informal memorandum setting forth a suggested formula for solution of the dispute presented by Dr. Tobar Donoso. In this memorandum the Ecuadoran Government proposed, first, renewal of direct negotiations, and secondly, mediation should those direct negotiations not arrive at any satisfactory conclusion within a stipulated period.
Under the circumstances I believe I have done all that I possibly can.