722.2315/1229: Telegram
The Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:20 p.m.]
243. My 239, October 14, 1 p.m.30 Aranha31 after careful consideration has handed me the following memorandum (translation).
[Page 237]“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has had the honor to receive the American Embassy’s aide-mémoire in regard to the recent telegram in which the President of Ecuador suggested to the Presidents of five other American Republics the mediation of their respective Governments in the boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru.
The Government of Brazil ardently desires that this question should be settled peacefully. To this end it is disposed to assist in whatever manner may be most appropriate to bring about a prompt and friendly settlement of the controversy.
The Government of Brazil is pleased to note that its point of view in the present case coincides entirely with that of the American Government as set forth in the above-mentioned aide-mémoire. The point of view moreover has already been communicated personally by the Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Ambassadors accredited here of Argentina, Chile, and Peru.
It would seem therefore that the reply to the Ecuadorian suggestion should set forth the common desire for a peaceful settlement of the question, and that if the Governments of Ecuador and Peru at the present moment consider it desirable, in preference to any other pacific means of settlement, to have recourse to the good offices or the mediation of the Governments which were represented at the Chaco Conference, these latter would undoubtedly accede to a request in this sense from the two parties in litigation.”