The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 22.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the original text of Note No. 3152, dated March 10, 1938, together with copies of the enclosures thereto, received by this Legation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this Government, forwarding for the confidential information of the Legation, a copy of the translated text of the note presented March 3, 1938, to the Foreign Office by the Minister of Great Britain in Guatemala., relative to the controversy now pending between the two Governments in connection with the boundary of British Honduras, together with a copy of the reply of the Guatemalan Government to this note. Translations of all three notes are likewise enclosed.2
Reference to the notes herewith transmitted would appear to indicate that the efforts of Guatemala to have the matter arbitrated have reached an impasse, and at the same time the British Government have disavowed responsibility for any incidents which may arise out of the failure of this Government to recognize the boundary as it now exists. In view of the refusal of the British Government to admit any obligations arising out of the stipulations of Section VII of the Boundary Treaty of 1859,3 the Government of Guatemala now seems to have taken the attitude that it no longer considers itself as amenable to any or all of the other provisions of the same treaty.
For the Department’s information I wish to add that in an informal conversation which I have just had with Foreign Minister Salazar [Page 203] of this Government, he stated that he believed that there was nothing further to be done in the matter and that it probably would be left pending under the caveats embodied in the note of his Government to the British Minister until such time as subsequent events and developments might appear to warrant a reopening of the question.
Respectfully yours,